13. - 29.12.2013
Beate Engl, Leonie Felle, Sandra Filic, Anton Bosnjak, Maximilian Geuter, Philipp Messner, Alexander Steig and Thomas Thiede
All ready made in China is both, title and concept of a process or show. During their two-weeks stay in Shanghai the artists examined the idea of the readymade, the found object or objet trouvé. Going back to early 20th century and Marcel Duchamp who first introduced the usage of everyday objects in the art context, the definition of the term “ready-made” can be multifaceted today: Assisted readymade, printed readymade, semi-readymade, imitated readymade,etc. COLLABORATION_6 explored Shanghai in order to find images, objects, thoughts and materials to put together, analyse and transform into a collaborative installation. Focussing on the notion of production, original & copy, before & after, etc. the eight artists investigated in the city on the topic of use, reuse, re-reuse and of copy-right, market, production, reproduction, and the influence of digitally converted systems. Every work was developed and found at site. The city became a pool for artistic ideas and materials, which were displayed in the exhibition space. The outcome was open. Along their stay the artists gave lectures and a workshop:
9th Dec. 5 - 7 pm: COLLABORATION_6 and readymade, lecture by COLLABORATION-Team at East China Normal University, Art Department, Shanghai
10th and 12th Dec. 2 - 6 pm: How to make a readymade? East China Normal University student´s workshop by Alexander Steig at Fei Contemporary Art Center (FCAC), Shanghai
11th Dec. 1 - 2:30 pm: Eternal Monument vs Sitespecific Intervention, lecture by Alexander Steig at Fine Art College of Shanghai University, Shanghai
11th Dec. 2:30 - 4 pm: Drop Scuplture vs. Sitespecific Sculpture, lecture by Beate Engl at Fine Art College of Shanghai University, Shanghai
Fei Contemporary Art Center (FCAC)
Add: 709 Lingshi Road, Building No. 40-2F. Shanghai. China. 200072. Tel / Fax: 00 86 21 6630 7268
Director FCAC: Li Xiaofei
Exhibition concept and curation: Beate Engl, Leonie Felle, Sandra Filic, Maximilian Geuter, Philipp Messner, Alexander Steig and Thomas Thiede
Coordination: Alexander Steig
Left side: Beate Engl's & Leonie Felle's I feel like a readymade (propagand version), audio-installation and performance with 7 megaphones, gallery bottom: Thomas Thiede's Arena, wood and paint
Maximilian Geuter's Window, Column, Curtain, Tree, Bulb, pigment-print on Hahnemühle paper; Sandra Filic's Silence, neon sign
Beate Engl's & Leonie Felle's I feel like a readymade (propagand version); Philipp Messner's Only you can make me feel this way, pigment-print on Hahnemühle
Right side: Anton Bosnjaks China at my home, single channel video-projection, DVD-loop: 16:02
Beate Engl's & Leonie Felle's I feel like a readymade, audio-work with 7 megaphones performed by all members of COLLABORATION_project
Alexander Steig's CUT TO (Lingshi Park), single-channel video-projection, DVD-loop: 06.52
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