18. - 29.02.2012
Beate Engl, Sandra Filic, Maximilian Geuter, Daniel Schürer (Guest), Alexander Steig and Thomas Thiede
SPACE projects | residency lab | store - Velehradská 7/A - 821 08 Bratislava - Slovak Republic - t. + 421 2 5557 4339 - www.priestor.org
The project COLLABORATION was initiated by seven German artists grouped around Thomas Thiede. The main feature of the project is a collaboration of artists who in various conditions of new environments - either artistic or geographical - create site specific works referring to a specific character of particular places. Collaboration among artists or with other art collectives is a key element in the project. The exhibition COLLABORATION_4 at SPACE Gallery features works created during artist's stay at the culture center BANSKÁ ST A NICA Contemporary in Banska Štiavnica in autumn 2011.Curators: Thomas Thiede and Svätopluk Mikyta
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Beate Engl
Thomas Thiede
Sandra Filic
Maximilian Geuter
Alexander Steig
Daniel SchürerThanks to:
26. 09 - 09. 10. 2011
Beate Engl, Sandra Filic, Maximilian Geuter, Daniel Schürer (Guest), Alexander Steig and Thomas Thiede
BANSKÁ ST A NICA Contemporary
Trate mládeže 6 , Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, www.banskastanica.skCurators: Thomas Thiede and Svätopluk Mikyta
A small selection of photographer Maximilian Geuter's Polaroids he made during his stay. Entiteld: "Nice View", "Svätopluk Mikyta" and "Train"
Sandra Filic during her research according to her installation WELLCOME IN THE VALLEY OF HAPPYNESS inside the station.
Oposite to Sandra's work Daniel Schürer marked a badminton-field, where artists and guests were invided to play.
After playing people moved to the brewery of Stiavnica: Curator Christian Schön talking with Svätopluk late night.
View at the station done from the hill-side in front of the Lower Tatra. Zuzana and Sväto with Prokop. They are the founders and directors of this art-space since 2008.
Daniel Schürer in front of his text and continuing writing the all day life at Banska on the wall.
Schürer talking to the head of the Slowakian Goethe-Institut, who came from Bratislava to get an impression of this very place. Later: continuing the story...
Beate Engl created a soundpiece. Each arrival of the train made the passengers listen to old socialistic propaganda scores. She found them in the stations archive.
Beate working on a sound file.
Thomas Thiede is gettig a tatoo of one of the sketches he made. This will be an ongoing project.
Andy's tatoo-shop in next bigger city 50 km from Banska. Thiede's "Die Geister die ich rief!“ (projektion of Klement Gottwald onto the city hall building and his work HUNTERS 081011
Alexander Steig waiting with his luggage at the station. He found the tellies in the station's formaly restaurant.
Later he developed a closed-circuit video-work to reanimate the broken tellies in front of the closed counters.
With kind support by: